Saturday, August 7, 2010

Can"t stand the heat, stay outta the line of fire....

Heres a fuggin brain teaser for ya....

Why is it when American civilians are killed in a fuckin WARZONE it is labeled "murder", but when innocent civilians that happen to be native to the same warzone are killed it is "colateral damage" and mere casualities of said war. Fuckin American hypocrits. Don't wanna die. Stay outta the fucking warzone. Unpatriotic am I? Well, if having common sense and being able to see bullshit from a mile off makes me some kind of un-American turn coat, then so be it. That being said.... I do not support a war being waged over oil. If you have'nt figured out that is the reason we are knee deep in shit over seas then just stop reading now. I do however salute American service men and women. It is not their personal choice to be seperated from their families and lives over Texas-Tea. I am sure they would much rather be chillin on the sofa all wrapped up in a Snuggie watching Betty White rock out on SNL. But these people have their orders and although they may not agree or "feel like it" they go. That is honorable and by no means am I bashing and/or insulting the individual soldier who is serving his/her country and merely doing their sworn duty....

Heres the scoop. What do all these thing have in common?....Your gas guzzling S.U.V's, your handy plastic shopping bags, Most of your medications (don't get me started on some asshole needing pills so he doesn't shake his leg in his sleep....), Every goddamned Starbucks lid and bottle of Deer Park.....OIL.... As americans in a consumer based society we have become reliant and ignorant, to the point of folly, about just where we get our "products" from. OIL. If we can find enough to poduce what we "need" on our soil then we will look off shore. That worked out great....Ain't that right crude soaked Pelican slowly dying while unable to fly and choking on black gold....Can't find enough under the sea....Lets fuckin take it from someone who has a ton. We can justify it, They did just murder those Americans.... Hey America. We are assholes....